The District completed the long-anticipated replacement of the rubber bladder on the Capay Diversion Dam as of November 20, 2024. When the original rubber bladder was installed in 1994, at 475-feet long and 5 feet in diameter, it was the longest rubber dam in service at the time. The inflatable rubber bladder replaced the wooden coffer dam which needed to be constructed at the beginning of each irrigation season. The rubber bladder allowed the District to control diversions quickly at the dam, with remote operational capabilities added after the technology became available.
Because the original bladder had surpassed its designed operational life, the District began exploring replacement options in 2022 and decided that the best solution was to replace the bladder in-kind. Extensive project planning paid off, and the bladder was installed over the course of five days with very few hiccups, largely due to Facilities Supervisor Anthony Lopez’ painstaking attention to detail. After the installation was completed, the bladder was first tested to see if it would hold air, followed by a second test to see if it would hold back water for diversion into the canals in preparation for the 2025 irrigation season. Success!!
There is no doubt that the Capay Diversion Dam, originally constructed in 1913, is a critical part of the District’s distribution system, as no water is diverted into the canals without it. General Manager Kristin Sicke commented that the project would not have been possible without landowners and customers within the District’s service area support of the 2023 Capital Assessment. Funds from the assessment are set aside for critical infrastructure projects like the Capay Dam bladder replacement and help to ensure the sustainability of the District as it strives to service the agricultural community in western Yolo County.